Caramelized banana, gooseberries and soya caramel
(For 4 portions)
- 1/3 punnet Shiso Purple
- 1/3 punnet Vene Cress
- 4 bananas
- 50gr butter
- 1 tbsp muscovado sugar
- 1 tbsp caster sugar
- 60ml water
- 80gr gooseberries
- 10gr fine julienne of fresh ginger
- 1 tbsp meringue crumbles
- 50ml soya caramel
- a few drops reduction balsamic vinegar
- Peel and caramelise the banana in the butter and muscovado sugar for 2 to 3 minutes, add half of the water (25ml) and cook covered on a medium heat for another 3 minutes, reserve.
- Cut half of the gooseberries in half.
- Make a clear caramel with the caster sugar and the rest of the water, cool down and toss the gooseberries into the clear sugar, then toss them again into the meringue crumbles.
- Serve the caramelised banana with the gooseberries, Shiso Purple, Vene Cress, the soya caramel, some fine julienne of fresh ginger and a few drops of balsamic vinegar reduction.
Ingredient and method for the soya caramel:
- Reduce the cooking juice of the caramelised banana with 1 tsp of dark soya sauce.
- Pass the caramel sauce into a fine sieve and serve.
Recipe: Franck Pontais

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