Quail, shell stock, duck rilette, chickpea miso, plums
Ingredients and method
Duck rilette:
- 2 duck legs
- 100 ml poultry stock
- 4 pieces long pepper
- 80 g duck fat
- 8 ml Umami tomato serum
- 3 g piment d'Espelette ground to powder
- 1/8 vanilla pod, dried
- 4 cinnamon flowers, finely ground
- 1 g aniseed powder
- Salt brine (4%)
- 50 g ground rapeseed
Place the duck legs in a brine for 4 hours. Dab dry, vacuum seal with the tomato serum and cook in a water bath at 72°C for 8 hours. Remove the meat from the bone and mince. Melt the duck fat over the water bath and add to the plucked meat. Season with the remaining ingredients. Turn into rounds while still warm and refrigerate. If necessary, remove from the refrigerator and allow to temper. Roll in rapeseed and set aside.
- 400 ml potato cooking water
- 50 g roasted potato peelings
- 4 g chicory root
- 1 bay leaf
- 4 cl soy sauce
Bring the potato boiling water to the boil and leave the potato peelings to infuse for 15 minutes. Add the other ingredients and finely strain after 5 minutes.
Green plum:
- 300 g unripe plums
- 500 ml brine 2%
- Green plum leaves
Wash the plums and layer them in a wire-frame jar. Also, wash the leafy greens and place on top. Pour on the boiled brine and leave to ripen for 3 months. If necessary, slice into wafer-thin slices.
Wax ash:
Heat the monolith to 70°C. Burn the quail carcass a little with a meat mallet. Four-burn while constantly turning the carcass. Place on the grill…
- 30 minutes at 63°C
- 30 minutes at 83°C
- 30 minutes at 93°C
- 40 minutes at 103°C
…until the carcass is light golden brown to black. Leave to cool and then grind finely in a blender. Add a little salt.
Chickpea Miso:
- 200 g Kome Koji
- 400 g chickpeas
- 4% salt
Soak the chickpeas in cold water for 2 hours, drain and steam until soft. Mix the three ingredients together and add a little water if necessary. Weigh and add 4% salt to this amount. Mix and place in a wire-frame jar and leave to mature at room temperature for at least 2 months.
- Roasted potato slices
- Kyona Mustard Cress
- Apple Blossom
- Lupine Cress
Recipe: Heiko Antoniewicz

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