Slowjuiced Planifolia Green Vanilla
Ingredients & Equipment
- Planifolia Green Vanilla beans
- Slowjuicer
- Wash the Planifolia Green Vanilla beans with lukewarm water and let them come to room temperature.
- Place two glasses under the slow juicer for the juice and pulp.
- Juice the whole beans in the slow juicer.
- Wait for the slow juicer to separate the juice and pulp.
- Juice again the pulp that remains.
- Allow the machine to continue running with a small amount of lukewarm water to get the most benefit from the vanilla.

- Pour the juice into a plastic bag.
- Vacuum the bag with the juice.
- Place the vacuumed bag of juice in the freezer.
- A bitter, slightly fattening vanilla flavor with a gelatinous texture.
- The slow juiced Planifolia Green can be used well in sorbets, sauces, dressings, and fermentation processes (in combination with sour and sweet notes).
Recipe: Eric Miete
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