Koppert Cress introduces Gangnam Tops
Category: World of Plants
Koppert Cress introduces Gangnam Tops.
Koppert Cress introduces Gangnam Tops. A decorative and natural stem with a crunchy and fresh mouth feel. The fresh taste of the Gangnam Tops merges with a slightly bitter taste reminiscent of purslane. Above all, Gangnam Tops make a tasty addition to salads or sandwiches, but combine well with multiple ingredients like oily fish; such as mackerel or herring, or vegetables; such as pumpkin, fennel, beans, pulses, and potato. Thanks to their mild flavour, they also go well with red fruits in desserts. The light green colour and the length of the Gangnam Tops make them exceptionally decorative. They therefore fit in well with today's trends: the natural look and Nordic cuisine. Gangnam Tops are truly versatile.
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