Bouchot mussel, escabeche almond, Sea Fennel, Basil Cress
Sébastien: "The concentration of the flavours of each cress ensures that it is not confetti, but that it can be used to add extra dimensions to any kitchen."
- cubes of watermelon
- croutons
- 20 g Sea Fennel
- sprigs of bronze fennel
- grilled mini fennel
- almond
- Basil Cress
For the mussels:
- 2 kg Bouchot mussels
- 1 l celery stock
- 2 dl juice of watermelon
- 1 tbsp pastis
- 1 tbsp sherry
For the saffron mayonnaise:
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 egg
- saffron oil
- pepper
- salt
For the gravy:
- mussel juice
- beurre noisette
- garlic
Briefly dip the mussels in the celery stock until they open, remove the flesh and marinate with the other ingredients for 2 hours.
Crush the garlic cloves, work with the egg and oil and season with salt and pepper.
Infuse the beurre noisette with the garlic, add mussel juice to taste and infuse further. Strain the gravy.
Place the mussels and watermelon in the plate, add the mayonnaise, garnish with the other components, spoon the gravy and garnish with the Basil Cress and the Sea Fennel.
Restaurant Ogst
Ridder Portmansstraat 4, Hasselt
Tel. 0032 11 41 38 13
Recipe: Sébastien Wygaerts
Source: Culinaire Saisonnier 89 - Summer 2018

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