Goat Pendant with Granité of Dill and Codium Blue
Ingredients en method
- Hung goat yoghurt
- Oil with Huacatay
- Gooseberries with Huacatay oil
- Crumble of seaweed powder based on hard wool pastry
- Codium Blue
- Fresh dill
- Granité of dill
- Ice cream of sheep kefir
- Pipe a generous tuft of the hung goat yoghurt in a nice deep plate.
- Spoon the gooseberries marinated in Huacatay oil on top.
- Sprinkle the crumble of seaweed powder and pieces of Codium Blue on top.
- Spoon a generous amount of the granité of dill over the dish.
- Form a quenelle of the sheep kefir ice cream and place it in the center on top of the granité.
- Place pieces of Codium Blue around the ice cream.
- Serve this surprisingly fresh dessert with savory notes and enjoy!
Recipe: Yornie van Dijk

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