Recuit of Heezer goatmilk with Limburg tomatoes and nasturtium
(For 4 servings)
- 500 g Heezer goat milk
- 5 g rennet
- 2 g of salt
Limburg tomatoes:
- 4 pc cherry tomato
- 4 pcs yellow cherry tomato
- 4 pcs orange cherry tomato
- 4 plum cherry tomato
- 4 pcs green tomato
- 4 pcs coeur de boeuf
- 4 pcs Brandywine tomato
- 20 g Arbequina olive oil
- 20 g of fermented tomato gravy
- 20 g nasturtium vinegar
- 10 g nasturtium capers
- Maldon salt to taste
Tomato sorbet:
- 500 g Brandywine tomato
- 20 g Sushi vinegar
- 20 g Forum vinegar Chardonnay
- 25 g of honey
- 2 g of gelatin
- 1 g of salt
Tomato meringue:
- 200 g of tomato juice
- 50 g of fermented tomato gravy
- 15 g nasturtium vinegar
- 15 g protein powder
- 0.1 g xanthan gum
- 50 g "automaten" sugar
- 20 g furikake
- 1 tray of Zorri Cress
- flowers of nasturtiums
- borage flower
- mustard leaf
- Borage Cress
Extra needed:
- blender
- ice cream maker
- drying device
Recuit (Catalan ricotta):
Heat the milk while stirring to 40°C and dissolve the salt in the milk. Add the rennet drop by drop while stirring. Let the milk cool and curdle. Hang the curd in a cloth and let it drain until a curd-like mass has formed. Keep the recuit covered and refrigerated.
Limburg tomatoes:
Skin all cherry tomatoes and store on kitchen paper. Remove the seed from the Coeur de boeuf tomato. Place the remaining pulp of the Coeur de boeuf tomato in a drying device until they are nicely dried. Cut the green tomato into wedges. Cut the Brandywine tomato into wedges. Cut the dried tomato into a tartare. Season the tartare with all the capers and some of the olive oil, vinegar, salt and gravy.
Tomato sorbet:
Wash the tomatoes and remove the crown. Cook the tomatoes over low heat under a lid for 15 min. Cook the tomatoes without a lid for 10 minutes. Puree the tomatoes with a hand blender and rub through a fine sieve. Mix the tomatoes with the other ingredients. Turn the mass into a sorbet.
Mix all ingredients, except the sugar and furikake, with a hand blender. Let the mass rest chilled for 12 hours. Beat the mass with the sugar until firm peaks form. Spray the mass into the desired shape on silicone mats. Sprinkle the foam with furikake. Let the foam dry at 75°C for 3 hours. Keep well covered.
Mix the sliced and skinned tomatoes with the remaining olive oil, vinegar, salt and gravy. Arrange the recuit in the center of the plate in a round shape. Arrange the tomato tartare around it in a square shape. Place the prepared tomatoes on the tartare. Garnish the dish with the meringue, mustard leaf, borage flour, nasturtium and Zorri cress. Finally, put the sorbet on the recuit.
Winesuggestion: Pinot Gris, 2014 of Winery Thorn.
Recipe: Joost Ruiten

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