Scallop ceviche tart
(For 4 portions)
For the feuille de brick tart case:
- 2 sheets of feuille de brick pastry
- 20g butter, melted
For the oyster mayonnaise:
- 50g freshly shucked oysters
- 28g pasteurised liquid egg yolk
- 10g glucose syrup
- 3g fine sea salt
- 0.3g xanthan gum
- 180ml rapeseed oil
For the scallop ceviche:
- 2 hand-dived scallops (large, responsibly sourced)
- 1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
- 1 tbsp lime juice
- 1 tbsp honey
- 1 pinch salt
To serve
- ½ punnets Apple Blossom
- 12 pieces Hippo Tops
- 60gr Radish
(For 4 portions)
For the feuille de brick tart case:
- Preheat the oven to 175°C.
- To make the tart case, lay one sheet of the pastry on a clean dry bench and brush the top side with the melted butter.
- Lay the second sheet of pastry over the top and press it down with the palm of your hand. Place in the fridge for 15 minutes.
- Use an 8cm ring cutter to cut out 4 discs from the pastry.
- Push the disks into a 5cmx1.5cm fluted tart case, ensuring it’s evenly distributed around the edges.
- Place a second tart case on top and press it down to secure the pastry in place. Repeat for the remaining 3 tart cases.
- Bake the cases for 8 minutes until golden brown.
- Remove the cases from the oven and allow to cool slightly before gently removing the feuille de brick tart cases from the moulds.
For the oyster mayonnaise:
- Add all ingredients to a jug blender and blend on a high speed until smooth and emulsified.
- Pass through a fine mesh sieve and spoon into a piping bag.
- Keep for no more than 24 hours.
For the scallop ceviche:
- Slice the scallops thinly and then dice into small pieces.
- Combine with the other ingredients minutes before serving.
- Strain off any excess liquid on kitchen paper before spooning into the tart cases.
To serve:
- Slice the radish into very fine julienne and put into ice water.
- Spoon the scallop ceviche into the tarts, evenly distributing between the 4.
- Dress the scallop tarts with the oyster mayonnaise and julienne radish, in a criss cross formation.
- Serve with picked Apple Blossom petals and Hippo Tops.
Recipe: Kenny Markham

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