Yellow beetroot rolls with shii také-hazelnut filling, légumaise truffle and Rucola Cress
(For 4 portions)
- 2 large yellow beets
- 200g shii také mushroom
- roasted hazelnuts
- dried thyme - Verstegen
- Arqan argan oil
- olive oil - Iluigi
- Rucola Cress - Koppert Cress
- BIO légumaise mushroom with truffle
- Black pepper - Verstegen
- Coarse sea salt - Verstegen
- Peel and wash the beets.
- Cut in half and use a mandolin to make fine, thin round slices on the largest side, 3 to 5 per person.
- Immerse it very briefly (max. 30 seconds) in boiling water with sea salt.
- Scoop out and cool in ice water.
- Make the tartare with the rest of the beet (2/5). Chop these fine. Also cut the shii také (2/5) and some hazelnut (1/5) into small pieces.
- Stew everything together until crispy with some olive oil. Season with a little thyme, black pepper and sea salt.
- Now scoop a spoonful of tartare per slice of beet and roll into equal rolls. Place these together on a plate and heat up in the micro-wave before serving.
To finish off:
- Place a wipe of légumaise in each plate and place the rolls next to each other.
- Finish with a few drops of argan oil and some Rucola Cress.
Recipe: Frank Fol - The Vegetables Chef®
Photo: Wim Demessemaekers, Photographer | @wim_dmskrs
Preparation time: 60 minutes
Techniques: veggies
Plate: Black Bowl

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