Home smoked Scottish salmon
Source: Culinaire Saisonnier
Home smoked Scottish salmon, hand-cut chestnut humus, sour cream, beetroot and blini
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For the smoked Scottish salmon:
- salmon sides
- salt
- sugar
- coarse black pepper
- natural oil
For the beetroot and chestnut humus:
- 100 g roasted chestnuts
- 100 g beetroot
- 1 dl olive oil
- 1 clove of garlic
- pepper
- salt
- 1/4 dl white wine vinegar
Marinate the salmon sides in the salt, sugar and pepper brine for 5 days. Rinse the sides and hang them high in the chimney on the 6th day with a good load of sawdust and smoking herbs. Leave to dry in the refrigerator on the 7th day and vacuum with neutral oil. Let the salmon ripen for a few more days before use. Roast the beets in the oven and mix finely with the other ingredients. Arrange the salmon on a plate in various cutting techniques. Garnish with the remaining components.
Source: Culinaire Saisonnier
Photograph: Dirk Kerstens

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