Planifolia Green, Infused Cherry Tomatoes, Espuma and Shiso Bicolor
Ingredients and method
- Shiso Bicolor
- Planifolia Green
- Zorri Cress
- Base for espuma
- Sugar water
- Vinegar
- Cherry tomatoes
- Wasabi mayonnaise
- Boil thinly sliced Planifolia Green in sugar water
- Turn this into a sweet and sour by adding vinegar
- Infuse cherry tomatoes in vanilla sweet and sour and remove the skin
- Deep fry an olive
- Make an espuma of tomato and vanilla sweet and sour
- Place the infused tomatoes on the plate and place thin slices of Planifolia Green from the sweet and sour on top of this
- Place the fried oljif in the center of the dish
- Pipe the espuma between the tomatoes and place the Shiso Bicolor on top, alternating sides up
- Spray a dot of wasabi mayonnaise on the fried olive and place on top of Zorri Cress
Recipe: Eric Miete

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