Sole Gratin, Fennel Mugnaia Sauce and Aromatic Salad
- 4 soles
- Clarified butter
- Aromatic breadcrumbs
- Fennel seed powder
- 1 basket Yka leaves
- 1 basket Floregano
- 1 basket Citra leaves
- 1 basket Bean Blossom
- 1 basket Zallotti Blossom
- 1 basket Atsina Cress
- 1 basket Salty fingers
Mugnaia sauce:
- 100 gr butter
- 30 gr lemon juice (or more if you prefer)
- Wordchester sauce
- 140 gr meat stock (tasty and thick)
- 120 gr fresh cream
- Salt, white pepper to taste
- Fillet the sole and remove the skin.
- Cut each fillet into two strips, cutting them in half lengthwise.
- Roll them up and coat them with breadcrumbs.
- Gratin in salamander or grill oven brushing with clarified butter.
For the sauce:
- In a saucepan, melt the butter.
- When bubbly pour in Wordchester sauce, add lemon juice and cook for 1 minute.
- When it starts to emulsify, add the cream and the stock, bring to the boil and adjust the flavor with salt and pepper.
- Add Xanthan if you want to thicken it further.
- Place in a siphon, load with 3 gas charges, keep in the roner at 63° C before serving.
- Serve by placing the sauce at the base of the plate and placing the sole fillets on top.
- Dress with fennel seed powder and the aromatic salad composed of Yka Leaves, Floregano, Citra Leaves, Bean Blossom, Zallotti Blossom, Atsina Cress and Salty Fingers.
Recipe: Matteo Rizzo - Restaurant Il Desco

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