Exotic dessert made of Fruit Espuma - mango
- vanilla ice cream
- Meringue Traditionnel
- Decorette Kokos
- Perfect Dessert Salsa Exotisch Limoen
- Fruit-Espuma Mango
- orange
- mango
- Atsina Cress
- Take 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream.
- Crumble the meringue and sprinkle it over the ice cream.
- Cut the orange into slices.
- Cut the mango into pieces.
- Finish the ice cream with pieces of fruit, add Perfect Dessert, Decorette, Fruit Espuma and Astina Cress.
Source: https://www.rdfoodrevolution.com/nl/inspiratie/exotic-dessert-met-fruit-espuma-mango

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