Mousse of Westland cauliflower with Zeeland mussels, vegetable pearls, caviar and a gravy of string beans
(For 8 servings)
Mousse of Westland cauliflower:
- 500 g of cauliflower
- 100 g mussel cooking liquid
- 10 g of gelatin
- 50 g butter
- 300 g whipped cream
- salt
Marinated button mushrooms:
- 125 g button mushrooms
- 50 g sherry vinegar
- 25 g jus de cepes
- 5 g truffle oil
Gravy from string beans:
- 200 g of string bean juice
- 100 g of granny smith apple juice
- 35 g Sushi Su (rice vinegar)
- 20 g Mirin Fu
- 1 drop of green food coloring
- 1 g Gelespessa
- 500 g Zeeland mussels
- 50 g fennel
- 50 g leek
- 50 g celery
- 2 pcs garlic cloves
- 200 g of white wine
Marinated vegetable pearls:
- 1 pc cucumber
- 1 pc winter carrot
- 250 g Sushi Su (rice vinegar)
- 50 g Mirin Fu
- 50 g sunflower oil
- 24 pcs Chervil tops
- 24 st Affilla Cress
- 24 pcs samphire
- 50 g Baeri caviar
- Borage Cress
Rinse the mussels. Finely chop the fennel, leek, celery and garlic. Place the finely chopped vegetables in a pan. Add the mussels and deglaze with white wine. Let it boil for 2 minutes. Drain it (Keep the mussel liquid, this is necessary for the mousse).
Marinated button mushrooms:
Blanch the button mushrooms in water with salt and lemon juice (this ensures color retention). Bring the sherry vinegar and jus de cêpes to the boil and add the blanched button mushrooms. Then add the truffle oil. Cool down and vacuum.
Gravy from string beans:
Combine the juice of string beans and Granny Smith. Add the Sushi Su, Mirin Fu and green food coloring. Add the Gelespessa in the blender and then pass it through a fine sieve.
Mousse of Westland cauliflower:
Put the cauliflower with mussel juice together in the Thermoblender and turn it up to 90°C so that the cauliflower is cooked. Add the pre-soaked gelatin. Then add the butter. Let the mass get droopy. Then add the lumpy cream. Season it with salt and pour it into the desired shape.
Marinated vegetable pearls:
Make pearls from the cucumber and winter carrot using a small Parisian drill. Blanch the carrot briefly. Then mix the Sushi Su, Mirin Fu and sunflower oil together and divide it over the carrot and cucumber in a vacuum bag. Vacuuming (then you impregnate the flavors).
Recipe: Jeroen van Brecht

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