Raspberries and Liquorice cream croustade
To make 4 portions
For the liquorice cream:
- 2 gr Algae Powder Emerald
- 4 pieces Floregano
- 4 pieces Jasmine Blossom
- 4 pieces Shiso Green
- 150 ml double cream
- 20 gr caster sugar
- 1 egg white
- 2 drops liquorice essence
For the croustade / to make around 25 to 30 pieces:
- 25 gr corn flour
- 180 gr plain flour
- 1 pinch fine salt
- 10 gr caster sugar
- 1 pinch baking soda
- 200 gr water
For the dish:
- 4 pieces Yka Leaves
- 4 tablespoons Yka Leaves syrup
- A dozen fresh raspberries
For the liquorice cream:
- Whip the double cream with the sugar and the liquorice essence until firm.
- Whip the egg white until “ soft pic “ consistency and incorporate to the cream.
- Fold the Double cream mix and egg white together and fill up the fine croustade.
- Dust the top of the custard with the algae powder and add one piece of Floregano, one of shiso green and one Jasmine Blossom.
For the croustade / to make around 25 to 30 pieces:
- Using a mixing bowl, fold all the ingredients together.
- Using a hand blender , add the water and blend until you obtain a very smooth mix.
- Leave the mix to rest overnight for better results.
- Using a iron mold template , dip the template to level into the mix and fry on vegetable oil.
- Remove carefully each croustade, use straight away or keep in a air tight container with some silica gel.
For the dish:
- Using a pipping bag, place a dot of liquorice cream of center of the plate.
- Place the filled up custard on top.
- Cut the raspberries into two and place next to the croustade.
- Finish with a few leaves of Floregano, Jasmine Blossom, Yka leaves and the Yka syrup.
Recipe: Franck Pontais

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