Vanilla mushroom
Mushroom trilogy, vanilla tomatoes, cress salad and argan oil, plus an electric shot.
Purple paint funnel:
- 100 g Amethzst deceiver laccaria amethystina mushroom
- 50 g lime string mushroom
- 40 g brown bonnet mushroom
- 50 g cedar nut oil
- 1 vanilla bean
- 1 cup of Tahoon Cress
- purple cardamom, pounded
- Maldon salt
- crowberry, ground
Cress salad:
- Sakura Cress
- Melissa Cress
- wild yarrow
- Salad Pea
- Gangnam Tops
Vanilla tomatoes
- 3 kinds of date tomatoes
- mark from the vanilla bean
- ARQAN argan oil
Passion Fruit Dressing:
- 1 passion fruit
- agave syrup
- Maldon salt
- olive oil
- crowberry, ground
- voatsiperifery pepper
Buffalo yogurt:
- 50 g buffalo yogurt
- juice of one lime
- Maldon salt
- ARQAN argan oil
Electric shot:
- 200 ml Electric Gin by Faradai
- 50 ml of Cointreau
- 1 vanilla bean
- 5 pieces of green cardamom
- 1 sprig of raspberry
- 7 Arabica coffee beans
- 2 sprigs of lavender green
- 1 sprig of rosewood
Purple paint funnel:
Halve the vanilla and separate from the pulp, fry the vanilla pod with Tahoon Cress in cedar nut oil as soon as the skin turns woody red. Fry the mushrooms in it and season.
Cress salad:
Pluck all ingredients into just pieces and mix them together.
Passion Fruit Dressing:
Halve the passion fruit, season well and stir vigorously with the spoon handle until everything loosens from the skin. Refine the salad with it.
Buffalo yogurt:
Mix all ingredients together and season to taste.
Electric shot:
Store everything in a cool place in the porthole for at least 7 days. Serve as a 2cl shot in front of the vanilla mushroom.
Recipe: ARQAN Wild Cooking – Signature Dish III by Spicehunter® Marcel Thiele

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