Parsnip, cress, charcoal mustard
Ingredients and methods
- 4 small parsnips
- 50 ml water
- 30 g butter
- 2 bay leaves
- salt
Peel the parsnips and vacuum seal them with the other ingredients. Cook in a water bath at 85°C for 45 minutes and cool down in ice water. Leave to mature for 2 days and heat and glaze with the liquid from the bag.
- 200 g parsnip cuttings or peeled cubes
- 40 g butter
- 30 ml water
- A little salt
- 50 g cress salad (Shiso Purple, Shiso Green, Mustard Cress and Daikon Cress)
- 1 sprig tarragon
Vacuum-seal the cuttings with the other ingredients except for the wild herb salad and cook at 95°C in a bain-marie until soft. While still warm, finely purée with the herbs and season with a little lime juice. Chill the mixture in a bowl on ice and fill into piping bags.
Charcoal mustard:
- 10 g mustard seeds
- 100 ml apple juice
- 30 ml rapeseed oil
- 2 g charcoal (pharmacy)
- 5 g sugar
Soak the mustard seeds in the apple juice overnight and then boil for 20 minutes. Add the sugar and the charcoal. Mix the mixture well. Stir in the oil and chill.
- 1 string of Moai Caviar
Passion fruit:
- 40 ml passion fruit juice
- 200 ml orange juice
- 3 g iota
- 20 ml maple syrup golden
- Mix the ingredients together and season to taste.
- Cornabria Blossom
Recipe: Heiko Antoniewicz

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