Red Prickly Pear, vanilla & fresh herbs
For 6 desserts - “Stone 85” molds from SILIKOMART
Baba Pastry
- 100 g flour T55
- 35 g butter
- 4.5 g baker’s yeast
- 1.5 g salt
- 5 g honey
- 95 g whole eggs
- 800 g water
- Red prickly pear puree, no added sugar
- 200 g les vergers Boiron
- 150 g sugar
- 1/2 Planifolia Green Vanilla
- 6 branches Apple Blossom
- 5 branches Zalotti Blossom
- 1 pot Scarlet Cress
- 1 jar Affilla Cress
- 6 leaves Yka Leaves
Rice Pudding
- 375 g whole milk
- 145 g whipping cream 35%
- 25 g sugar
- 62.5 g round rice
- Vanilla pod
- Planifolia Black Vanilla
- 8 leaves Kaffir Lime Leaves
- 100 g whipping cream 35%
- Red prickly pear puree, no added sugar
- 300 g les vergers Boiron
- 10 g extra slow set pectin
- 100 g sugar
- 25 g glucose
- 20 g inverted sugar
- 120 g gelatin mass
- 5 g citric acid
- 5 g water
Herbal Juice
- 1,000 g water
- 180 g sugar
- Vanilla pod
- 1/2 Planifolia Black Vanilla
- 6 leaves Yka Leaves
- 6 leaves Affilla Cress
- Shiso Green
- Basil Cress
- Honny Cress
- Limon Cress
Prickly Pear Whipped Ganache
- Red prickly pear puree, no added sugar
- 90 g les vergers Boiron
- 1/2 gelatin sheet
- 132.5 g whipping cream 35%
- 100 g white chocolate
Pricky Pear Sorbet
- Red prickly pear puree
- 200 g les vergers Boiron
- 25 g glucose powder
- 3 g super neutrose
- 8 g caster sugar
- 6 g inverted sugar
- 80 g caster sugar
- 235 g water
- Rock Chives
- Borage Cress
- Vene Cress
- Lupine Cress
- Affilla Cress
- Zallotti Blossom
Baba Pastry
- Melt the butter in a saucepan.
- In the mixer bowl, fitted with the paddle, mix the remaining ingredients until the dough pulls together.
- Add the melted butter and mix again until the dough falls away from the sides of the bowl.
- Leave to ferment at room temperature for 1 hour.
- Mix for one minute using the beater, then set aside in the fridge.
- The next day, pipe 1/3 of the dough into the “Stone 85” molds.
- Leave to rise and then bake in an oven at 180°C until golden.
- Turn out of the molds and leave to dry.
- The next day, remove the excess to end up with a flat base, then soak the babas
- Make a syrup with the water and sugar.
- Finely slice ½ green vanilla and add it to the syrup with the leaves of the remaining ingredients.
- Leave to infuse for 10 minutes, then strain.
Rice Pudding
- Heat the milk and cream together with the grated vanilla and Kaffir Lime Leaves.
- Add the rice and cook over low heat until the rice is cooked.
- Once cooked, leave to cool, then add the whipped cream.
- Set aside for the assembly
- Heat the red prickly pear puree.
- Add the glucose and inverted sugar.
- Mix the sugar and pectin together and fold them into the hot mix.
- Boil the mix.
- Then add the gelatin mass and the water/acid solution.
- Blend using a hand blender and set aside in the fridge
Herbal Juice
- Make a syrup using the water and sugar.
- Add the thinly sliced vanilla and let it infuse for 30 minutes.
- Then add the Yka Leaves.
- Let them infuse for 10 minutes, then strain and leave them to cool.
- When the syrup is cool, add the microsprouts and blend so that the aromatic notes diffuse and the syrup takes on a natural green color.
- Strain and reserve for assembly
Prickly Pear Whipped Ganache
- Heat the red prickly pear puree and the cream together.
- Soak the gelatin in cold water.
- Pour the hot liquids over the white chocolate.
- Add the soaked gelatin, blend using a hand blender and set aside in the fridge for 24 hours.
Pricky Pear Sorbet
- Heat the water.
- At 25°C, add the dextrose and inverted sugar.
- At 45°C, add the sugar and super neutrose.
- Cook at 84°C for 2 minutes.
- Cool for 3 hours in the fridge.
- Then, add the red prickly pear puree and blend.
- Leave to mature for at least 4 hours in the fridge.
- Place in a Pacojet bowl and freeze.
- Set aside for the assembly.
- Using a 4.5cm diameter cookie cutter, cut out the center of the baba.
- Gently heat the glaze, then glaze the babas.
- Set the babas in the center of each plate and top with rice pudding.
- Fold in the ganache and pipe onto the baba.
- Pacotize the sorbet and place a quenelle on top of the ganache.
- Decorate with Rock Chives, Borage Cress, Vene Cress, Lupine Cress, Affilla Cress and Zalotti Blossom.
- Then pour the herbal juice onto each plate.
Recipe: Thibault Marchand
Source: Les Vergers Boiron

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