Monkfish, Meyer lemon, roasted pointed cabbage, young peas, vieux grenache, BlinQ Blossom.
Sébastien: "The concentration of the flavours of each cress ensures that it is not confetti, but can be used to add extra dimensions to any kitchen."
- Affilla Cress® oil
- peas
- pointed cabbage leaf
- BlinQ Blossom®
- gravy from Noilly Prat
For the monkfish:
- 1 small anglerfish tail
- ginger butter
For the Meyer lemon:
- 2 kg of Meyer lemons
- 200 g of sugar
- lemon vinegar
For the Beurre Vieux Grenache:
- 5 shallots
- 2 l fish fumet
- 3 dl white wine
- 2 tbsp sherry
- 4 tbsp vieux grenache vinegar
- 300 g of butter
Peel the monkfish tail, colour in the pan and cook in the oven at 150°C for 5 minutes. Let the fish rest and cut the fillets off the bone.
Just before passing on, warm up in the ginger butter. Rinse the Meyers lemons and soak overnight in cold water.
Cut into equal pieces, remove the seeds and blanch 3 times. Then let the mass lightly confit with the sugar, mix and finish with the vinegar.
Stew the shallots without discolouration, quench with the vinegars and reduce.
Add white wine, reduce to 1/3, add fishfumet, reduce by half and finish with the butter.
Braise the peas and pointed cabbage leaves in some butter, burn the cabbage leaf with the bunsen burner, dress all the components on the plate and finish with the BlinQ Blossom® and Affilla Cress® oil.
Restaurant Ogst
Ridder Portmansstraat 4, Hasselt
Tel. 0032 11 41 38 13
Recipe: Sébastien Wygaerts
Source: Culinaire Saisonnier 89 - Summer 2018

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